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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Baird's Sandpiper for more photos?

I realised when I left work that there had been no news on the Baird's Sandpiper since 3.30pm, but just presumed it would be seen again. Never presume anything! I hadn't intended on going again this evening, but the skies were so beautifully blue and with brilliant sunshine, I couldn't resist going again! I find that you eat terribly when you are trying to fit work and birding in together – I munched on peanut butter on toast on route!

Arrived at Titchwell just before 6pm to find several people looking for the bird from the main bank just past Island Hide, but it had not been seen for quite a while. Sadly for some people they had not seen it at all yet. Huge numbers of waders all round, including 11 Spoonbills, loads of gulls, black-tailed godwits, ruff, redshanks, curlew sands, a few dunlin (not as many as last night), wigeon, teal, avocets, little egrets etc. It was beautiful light, just perfect for photographing the Baird's Sandpiper that sadly did not appear! News on the RBA pager that a Balearic Shearwater had been seen off Titchwell made me abandon standing here any longer and I walked out to the sea. I phoned RBA on route to find that the shearwater had not been seen recently. Tons of waders and gulls on the shoreline including lots of sanderling, turnstones, oystercatchers etc. It was very windy and I could see three Eiders sitting on the sea and then decided to walk out to the sea's edge to photograph them. There were no exciting birds flying past! Beautiful sunset over the wet sands. Walked back in semi-darkness, by which time tons more gulls had arrived to roost.

Main Highlights today:
Pectoral Sandpiper and Balearic Shearwater at Cley NWT
Baird's Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB - not seen in the evening though
Wryneck at Bowthorpe
Red-backed Shrike at Kelling
Black Tern at Holme

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