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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Twitter sorted and tooth being sorted!

Finally deleted all weird messages in my DM box in twitter and logged out. I have a bad habit of not logging out of forums such as twitter, facebook, birdforum etc etc - I will ensure I do so in future! This may help with hackers – possibly! I feel desperately sorry for people that hack into people's accounts and create virus's etc, they must lead a very shallow and boring life indeed.

I don't actually understand the meaning of the word 'bored' - I don't have time to do a quarter of the things I would like to do in life. Besides work, birding, photography and blogging – IF I had the time, I would go back to painting, drawing, dressmaking, embroidery, reading more – and that's just for starters. Oh and I would do freelance typesetting, advert design, book design etc etc – the list goes on. How can anyone say they are bored!!!! Life is far too short to be bored!

This is a long shot, BUT, if anyone knows the whereabouts of at least four paintings I did of the Black-winged Stilts that bred at Holme and sold for £10 each at the time – it would be great to know where they are now please?

Tooth pain not too bad this morning, BUT turned evil later in the afternoon, so have now given in to the course of anti-biotics for 7 days.

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