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Sunday 9 September 2012

New Blogger Interface!

Blogger informed me that the new interface will be forced on me in the 'next few days' which I am extremely unhappy about. They trialled this a year ago and you had the option of updating to this new design/layout and also the option of going back to the old version. The new version I decided was absolutely rubbish, unnecessarily complicated and takes ten times longer to do. I Immediately reverted back to the old version. Reading blog forums, everyone else seems to feel the same and have requested that they have the option of staying on the old interface, but blogger are forcing us all to use this new version whether we like it or not. The most annoying feature on the new template is that the quick edit icon/option to each post has been removed, so this means that you have to go to into 'Design', then 'Dashboard', then search for the post you want to edit, click edit and open! Now if you are like me and go back and edit your post as soon as you have published it, not having the quick edit icon will be very annoying and time consuming! I often correct and change what I have written several times before I am happy with it!

I am just praying that I will still be able to add all my photographs that I NEED/WANT to add for the many months I am still behind. I know that most people won't even bother looking at them now, but this is my on-line diary aswell and I would like to be able to add them!

I think its a case of Blogger have paid someone alot of money to re-design this new interface and now have to go ahead with it, regardless of what their bloggers think. Well if you are reading this, PLEASE consider our wishes rather than your bank balance!

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