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Saturday 8 June 2013

Chilly Birding at Cley!

A cloudy, uninspiring day with little excitement!

Spent some time with my sister Lucy this morning and didn't go birding until the afternoon.

I can't remember the last time it was this cold in June – even with thermals and gloves on it was freezing at Cley! It felt like a winter's day.

Walsey Hills produced almost no birds, I didn't even see anything on the feeders. I did manage to find a Chiffchaff and a Long-tailed Tit by the round bales, but that was it.

North Scrape produced the best birds and I counted 85 'Tundra' Ringed Plovers along with good numbers of Dunlin and a very smart adult Little Stint, 2 Sanderling, Shelducks, Redshanks, Avocets and Chicks, Cormorants. Marsh Harriers and also 1 Barn Owl. Nice to catch up with 'Mr Graham' who was very pleased at having seen the White-spotted Bluethroat that M.A.G. re-found early this morning. I left the hide and walked to the East Bank in hope of seeing the bluethroat from a different angle, but wasn't lucky. Bumped into Eddie who said the bluethroat was not showing along the bank when he looked. It was wickedly cold as I walked back to my car at Coastguards, I couldn't believe how bitterly cold it was – only yesterday at work, I sat outside with the girls and it was almost too hot to sit outside!!!

Left to go home earlier than I normally do. No pictures to be added!

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