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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Norfolk Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
ROLLER – Day Three – at Holt Lowes all day!
Spotted Redshanks x 6, Little Gull x 10, Red-crested Pochard at Titchwell RSPB

Other News
AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER at Needingworth, Cambridge
Eagle Owl at Nacton, Suffolk (yesterday)
GULL-BILLED TERN at Kirkby-on-Bain Gravel Pits, Lincolnshire

I only wish I had the energy to go and see the Roller again this evening. That bird is seriously addictive. I so wish I was not at work this week. Can't believe its still there today, but I hope it stays tomorrow and the next day and day after that and.... well it would be perfect if it stayed until Saturday pretty please Mr Roller X.

Currently I am copying thousands of files from my macbook to two external hard drives. I have run out of space on Mac and can't offload any more pictures from camera until I remove files!!! So my Roller and Pacific Swift pictures will not be added early this evening!

I am having a rubbish evening to say the least. Lead on external hard drive failed and it took me a while to realise this and then pinched the lead off the second hard drive. Eventually copied off thousands of pictures onto two external drives, but whilst it was copying I was typing up my Sunday blog post. I had just about finished it when my firefox browser crashed. The curser was just wheeling round and round and it was exasperating to see all the paragraphs I had typed and not being able to save them. I had no choice but to re-boot the computer and have now lost almost the whole post. It is now 12.20am and I to re-write the whole bl**dy thing!!! Still not added pictures yet either!!!

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