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Sunday 23 June 2013

Norfolk Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
No sign of Rose-coloured Starling today.
Spotted Redshanks x 14 at Titchwell RSPB
Little Gull at Breydon Water
Honey Buzzards x 2 at Swanton Novers Raptor Watchpoint
Great White Egret flew SW over Beeston Common, Sheringham
Little Gull, Spotted Redshank, Continental Black-tailed Godwit at Cley NWT

Other News
RED-FOOTED FALCON reported yesterday SE of Cattawade, Suffolk

It doesn't surprise me at all, that the Rose-coloured Starling has gone. Obviously it was going to leave at some point, but it was really crowded out yesterday evening and with being flashed at as well before it flew into its roost tree it probably decided enough is enough. I do hope very much that it reappears today though. Perhaps its just found a different selection of food in a more peaceful garden close by? Who knows!

The Firs Road to the reserves at Holme has been improved apparently, I will have a look later and report back.

My photograph of the Eagle Owl in King's Lynn was published in the Lynn News on Friday so my mother informed me, though I haven't seen it myself yet. It was ages ago that I sent this picture to them, I had almost forgotten about it!

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