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Monday 8 February 2021

A Stunning Snow Filled Day!!!

After some of the snow had melted

Bird baths replenished and dried fruit put out for the Blackbirds


Snow at last!!! Its obviously awesome if you are not at work when it snows, so I was lucky. I heard that a few of my work colleagues could not get into today from areas around Norwich – the scenes on the roads looked horrendous! I think we certainly had less snow here in West Norfolk than the East side did.

Spent a while knocking out the ice in the bird baths, changing the water and then topped them up with boiled water from the kettle, so the birds could have luke warm water to bathe in! Put out some grapes, dried fruit, apple, meal worms etc. The Blackbirds soon dived in, as did the Starlings and House Sparrows.

This afternoon I walked to my local post office to return a parcel and then wandered along the Gaywood River to Reffley Woods. I wish there had been more snow, then it would have been less slippery in the flooded muddy areas! But my Muckboots didn't let me down! It was a exhilarating walk, but I saw less birds than in my garden! Only saw a Blackbird, Moorhen, Mallards, a Blue Tit and a few Muntjac Deer. Its been snowing all day, but only lightly. Main roads are clear around where I live. I'm secretly hoping I'm going to be snowed into tomorrow!

Gaywood River, Reffley Reservoir and Reffley Woods

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