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Monday 1 February 2021

Weekend Update!

Mostly, I have been sleeping and recovering from going back to work and trying to deal with the ongoing chest pain. Did the Big Garden Birdwatch this morning, see separate post. Delivered some shopping to Lucy, which she very much appreciated. Lucy seems to be having a lot of headaches over the last few weeks, which is a little bit worrying, hopefully its just stress related as she has been getting very worked up about having the Covid vaccine – 6 other residents where she lives had the vaccine on Friday, but Lucy amongst a few others didn't. When Lucy was a youngster she had a bad reaction to a bee sting and collapsed when at school – since this incident, she has always been really scared of getting another bee sting. The manager in charge of where Lucy lives, has to get advice from the vaccine team, to see which vaccine if any, she can have with her possibly allergy.

I had a lovely surprise this evening when I saw a Hedgehog in the garden for the first time in many months, although at this time of the year, that's probably not a good sign! Unfortunately though I also saw three rats, oh dear! I have felt completely exhausted all weekend, these long term Covid symptoms are obviously not going to disappear as quickly as I would like!


Captain Sir Tom Moore in hospital with coronavirus

Record day for UK vaccinations as total nears 9m

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