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Sunday 7 February 2021

Birding at Fisherfleet – No Snow!

My snow free garden, taken through patio window


I was quite excited about going for a walk in the snow this morning – it was suppose to snow from 4am. Not a snowflake to be seen! No snow ALL day, just a cruel east wind and bitterly cold. Didn't sleep very well last night, but got up far earlier than I have been of late. Decided to do egg and soldiers for breakfast, can't remember the last time I did that! Then, duly fell asleep!!! Covid still making me tired, or it could be the side effects of the vaccine, either way I was very sleepy!

Mid afternoon, I had to go into town for a few food items from Grape Tree Foods, birthday card for Lucy etc and then went to Fisherfleet by the Docks. Lots of Black-headed Gulls sitting on the edge of the mud, 1 Redshank and 11 Turnstones feeding by the outfall pipe and the usual Mallards were seen. As I left I saw a few Pied Wagtails by the Weighbridge, so stopped to count them and was amazed to find that there were 100+ feeding on the concrete area and presumably gathering to roost. The last time I saw a big wagtail roost, was in one of the courtyard gardens at the QEH, but sadly they havn't been there since the shrubs were cut low a couple of years ago.

Wrapped Lucy's birthday presents this evening and delivered them to her door, just in case I can't get the car out in the morning!!!🤣🤣🤣 The snow has finally arrived at about 10pm and my little green car is now white, so hopefully there will be enough snow in the morning to go for a scrunchy walk in my wellies!

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