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Sunday 28 May 2023

Exploring Lochs, Spiggie Beach & Loch – Shetland!

Spiggie Beach


I went exploring this afternoon and went to Loch of Clumlie. Then headed to Troswick Ness and ended up a dead end road with house and met the most aggressive sheepdog ever, so ok, it was only protecting its territory, but I have never seen any dog seemingly try to attack a car before! It took ages to turn the car round and retreat, as the dog was constantly against the paintwork, so I couldn't see where it was – I escaped eventually. Thank goodness I was in the car and not on a walk – it was obviously an excellent guard dog. The first and last time I venture up that little road!

I then drove to Boddam and watched three seals resting on rocks, Eider and Black Guillemots on the sea and Gannets flying distantly. Several Eiders on the rocks, a Redshank, Ringed Plover, but no sign of any Otters here.

Spiggie Beach – panoramic shot

Spiggie Beach


Headed to Spiggie Loch and had a look inside the new RSPB hide. Its not new, but it is to me, it wasn't here when I last visited in October 2021. I believe it was opened sometime in Spring of 2022. Very nice inside, with stunning artwork by local primary schools and artists. Coat hooks in the hide, now that's a good idea – mind you, would you want to take your coat off in Shetland, maybe not! Mute Swans on the loch, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Redshank and 3 Sand Martins. Spiggie Beach only had one couple with a dog and they left shortly after I arrived, so I had the place to myself. Even though the light was dull, it was still very beautiful here. A seal watched me inquisitively as I ambled along the beach. Arctic Terns were fishing and there were Black Guillemots and Eiders on the sea. So peaceful here. 2 Bonxies flew over the track to the beach, as I was leaving.

With assistance from a local birder (via text) I found Setter Marsh at Spiggie and got the scope out to see if I could find the Spotted Redshank seen earlier, but no sign. 2 Moorhens here, Mute Swans, Redshank and Curlews seen. Also a male Pheasant by the roadside – I had seen a pair of Pheasants, as I was approaching Spiggie Loch earlier too – never seen them in Shetland before. I missed a White-tailed Eagle today and it was seen flying high NW over Lerwick – I was at home at the time, stood outside as soon as the message came through, but didn't see it, oh well!

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