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Friday 5 May 2023

Getting The House In Order!


It was truly wicked to be indoors today, the skies were blue and the sun shone all day, but I had to tackle unpacking kitchen stuff and arranging things, so that I can operate on a daily basis. I managed to find a place for everything, but there was no space for my Ninja Food Processor, so left it upstairs with all my other stuff. I can't find my Ninja cook booklets or my newly washed dusters?! This took the entire day to complete. Washed the kitchen and bathroom floor and sorted out two washing up bowls for the recycling – one for tins and plastic and the other for card and paper. I kept all the unpacked boxes and newspapers, I'm not collecting them again, when I purchase a house here!

Lovely to see a Blackbird bathing in my concrete bird bath! The House Sparrows and Starlings have discovered the bird seed and its all looking busy under the huge honeysuckle hedge – I say hedge, as its too big for a bush! Sadly there is some rubbish under the honeysuckle, which I intend to clear.

My P45 and last QEH wage packet arrived today and I won £75 on the Premium Bonds! Chatted to Vivien and Ray via WhatsApp Video and with Lucy on the phone. The TalkTalk saga continued and you couldn't make up what happened this morning – an engineer phoned and said "I believe am coming out to look at your internet issues?" "Yes" I said, "I presume you are in Shetland?" "No, I'm in Norfolk" 😂 – the engineer had been instructed to go to my old address!!! The address that ceased to operate with TalkTalk on the 30th April!!! Long story short...... TalkTalk sent me an apology text and will credit me with £29.15 for the inconvenience of waiting in for an engineer, who never turned up and in any case, its all working now!

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