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Sunday, 23 March 2025

Norfolk Trip – 12th to 21st March 2025

My Norfolk trip took quite a while to plan, as I had to travel the cheapest way possible and was not able to stay as long as my visit last March, due to the cost of accommodation more than anything else. I couldn't really afford to return at all, but I was way overdue to visit my sisters and had not seen Lucy's new abode, which she moved into last October.
I got the Northlink ferry and cabin free both ways with my 4 vouchers now that I'm 60, which was brilliant! You are given 4 vouchers yearly. I also got a Megabus bus free (with my bus pass😂) from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, but it didn't work out for the return journey. I then got a train from Edinburgh to Peterborough to Ely and then to King's Lynn. On the return journey, I took a bus from King's Lynn to Peterborough (not free, as Scottish bus pass does not cover England obviously and you have to wait until you are 65 to get a bus pass in England), then a train to Edinburgh and another to Aberdeen in time for the Northlink ferry 'home'.
Wednesday 12th March
I was originally working until lunchtime, but with time in lieu owed I had was lucky enough to have the entire day off, which really helped with last minute packing. I caught the 3.38pm bus from Scalloway to the ferry terminal with one suitcase and a rucksack. The Northlink ferry departed Lerwick at 5.30pm. The usual fabulous meal in the restaurant. I saw Josh (physio at work) and his wife Hannah on the ferry! Retired to my 4-berth cabin. Fairly smooth crossing. I love staying in the cabins and would never book one of those awful pods or recliner seats again – I would rather sleep on the floor.

Thursday 13th March
Had a fairly good night's sleep, had a shower and then had a wonderful breakfast and the ferry arrived in Aberdeen at 7am.
Walked to the bus station, caught a Megabus at 8.05am. Three hours and 10 minutes to get to Edinburgh bus station. I was very impressed with this bus – smooth ride, didn’t feel ill at all.

Stressful trying to find the train station in Edinburgh, with different directions from several people! The train station was also very stressful. Just managed to catch the Edinburgh to Peterborough train with 5 minutes to spare at 12pm. Arrived in Peterborough at 15.57. Train to Ely, then train to King’s Lynn arriving around 17.30, but apparently I should have got a bus from Peterborough (long story)!!!!

It felt very depressing walking through King’s Lynn – I never did enjoy living here. Got to The Globe Hotel, checked in and made my way up to room 211 – smaller room than on my last visit, but far better as it was situated in a quiet part of the hotel and very clean and modern. Unpacked. Went down to Wetherspoons for evening meal. Returned to my room, had a cup of tea, watched the news, power shower and early night.

Friday 14th March
Bought a bouquet of roses for Lucy, hot cross buns, Jaffa cakes, tiramisu, pizza and silver foil from Sainsbury's. Caught the 9.30am bus to see Lucy.
Lovely sunny day, so brilliant to see Lucy, lots of hugs and she looked really well I thought. Gave Lucy a glass bird ornament which I bought from the Shetland Times Bookshop (got one for Vivien too) and roses, which I arranged in a vase for her. Also bought her some Shetland Belgian chocolate/ginger Flapjacks and a Shetland Visitor Guide. Chatted, had lunch. Watched the news together. Persuaded Lucy to throw her very old teal rug, which has seen better days. So nice to meet Lucy's manager Danielle and other staff.

Went for walk to the churchyard which was really beautiful. So lovely to see some Long-tailed Tits, Great Tits, Blue Tits and Goldfinches. We returned to Lucy's flat. Lucy was delivered fish n chips (every Friday) by staff as I was leaving to catch the 5.16pm bus back to King's Lynn.

I had 20 minutes in TK Max before it closed at 6pm and bought a new purse. I returned to the hotel and had veggie sausages, potato, peas and gravy. I had my laptop with me and ordered Lucy a rack of coat hooks, a file organiser and a silver Addis step stool off Amazon.

Saturday 15th March
Caught the 9.30am bus to Titchwell RSPB. On route, lots of new builds since I visited a year ago. Heard my first Spring Chiffchaff as I got off the bus. Glorious day and so lovely to visit Titchwell reserve again. Met up with Eddie and Pete – so lovely to see them both. Said hello to Trevor Girling in the shop. Walked along the Fen Trail and saw a roosting Tawny Owl in an ivy covered tree! Heard a Cetti’s Warbler, saw Med Gulls, 6 male Red-crested Pochards and females, Tufted Ducks, Mallards, 2 Little Grebes, Coot, 2 Red Kites almost over our heads, 2 Marsh Harriers and 2 Common Buzzards in the thermals, as we sat on the bench overlooking Patsy’s Pool. So lovely sitting here. Pete sharply spotted a Kingfisher sitting on a bramble in the middle of the reedbed distantly, made my day and was the star of the show!!!
Pete, Penny and Eddie at Titchwell RSPB
Ambled back to the cafe for lunch, where we were also joined by family friend Malcolm White, who looked really well I thought. Had lunch sitting outside on the picnic bench. Very sadly Pete only had a couple of hours with us as he had an appointment to look at a new car at 2pm, but still fabulous to see him. I walked with Pete and Malcolm to the car park and said goodbye to them both and then returned and saw a Robin perched up very close. I rejoined Eddie and we walked along the main path and out to the beach. Lovely to see Long-tailed Tits (I particularly miss seeing these), Chaffinch, Avocets, more Med Gulls, large flock of Golden Plover, Gadwall, Mallards, Teal, lots of Brent Geese.
Malcolm White in his MG at Titchwell RSPB
Titchwell RSPB

Eddie at Titchwell RSPB

Walked back to the visitor centre and said goodbye to Trevor. Walked to the carpark and Eddie very kindly offered to drop me half way along the Firs Road at Holme, where we said goodbye. I then walked the rest of the way to HBO. Took some lovely pictures of the beach and noticed that more pines had disappeared with dune erosion. No sign any life at HBO, so had the place to myself and paid my respects to my parents. Beautiful here in the sunshine. The gorse was out in flower and the Broadwater had lots of duck and Mute Swans in the afternoon light. It was almost too hot to sit in father’s favourite position/seat in front of the observatory and reminded me of days gone by, when father sat here in his shorts, shirt and hat. I placed three pine cones next to where our parent’s ashes are laid to rest – to represent Vivien, Lucy and I. The boardwalk is new (again) by Pat’s Pool and hide (only older folk will know where I mean) and the only Heligoland Trap left (there used to be three) has been replaced at the end of the bank and looks very smart.
Beach – Holme-next-Sea
Broadwater at Holme Bird Observatory
Hide 8 at Holme Bird Observatory
Holme Bird Observatory in glorious sunshine

Father's plaque looking a little worn – should have some bought some 0000 wire wool with me to polish up the gold letters
Me at Holme Bird Observatory
Popped into the NWT Firs House, said hello to Fiona who works there, but no sign of Garry, I asked Fiona to say hello to Garry and Alison for me. I then had to speed walk back along the Firs Road to catch the bus in time! Saw a lovely male Stonechat on route, but I was walking into the sun all the way back, so not good viewing conditions. 2 Greenfinches perched high up and calling in trees along Beach Road, just past the Firs Road entrance with Goldfinches and a few Hedge Sparrows around. 2 Mistle Thrushes in horse paddocks along Beach Road, just before the A149 main road. Just got to the bus stop with 10 minutes to spare for the Coastliner bus.

Bus arrived and had a dispute with the bus driver, who said my Explorer £24 ticket I had purchased for the week wasn’t valid and said it doesn’t cover the coast, it only covers as far as Hunstanton. I pointed out that the bus driver who had sold it to me on Thursday morning, assured me that it covered all of Norfolk for a week on the Lynx buses only, which this was! Apparently I should have asked for the Coast weekly ticket, which is £30 – how was I supposed to know that! He let me off in the end, not my fault!

As I walked to sit down on the very full bus, a surprised voice called out “Penny Clarke” – it was Ashley Saunders and his wife ‘on a pub crawl’ and off to see a show in Hunstanton – I never expected to see them on the bus - we had a lovely mini catch up before they got off the bus in Hunstanton. Arrived back in King’s Lynn at 6.35pm. Walked back to the hotel and felt shattered.

Hilary Palmer in The Poco Lounge, King's Lynn
Penny and Hilary outside The Poco Lounge, King's Lynn
Back in my room I had a quick shower, freshen up and change of clothes and then met with Hilary Palmer, my lovely old colleague and friend from QEH, where we had a lovely meal at The Poco Lounge in King’s Lynn. We spent two and a half hours chatting and laughing and the food was extremely good. I swear Hilary looks younger every time I see her, you would never in a million years, have any idea that she is 68, she doesn’t look more than 50 to me! Returned to my hotel exhausted.

Sunday 16th March
Caught the 10.30am bus to Lucy’s. A lovely member of staff called Tyla cooked a Sunday roast, which was spectacular! Vivien arrived at 3pm – lots of hugs and so good to see her again, its been too long. Gave Vivien her little glass bird present, a Shetland guide and a Shetland Belgian chocolate/ginger Flapjack. Rack of six coat hooks arrived from Amazon for Lucy. Vivien and I caught the 5.16pm bus back to Lynn. Had evening meal in The Globe. Vivien was staying in room 207 and I was in 211. There are no pictures of Vivien sadly, as she never lets me take a photo.

Monday 17th March
Got my Rotary watch battery changed at H. Samuels and a new leather strap from Francis Wain. Met Vivien in M&S, got our lunches, looked at clothes etc. Met with Vivien at the bus station and we caught the 10.30am bus to see Lucy. We all had M&S Sandwiches for lunch and Lemon drizzle cake. A tradesman called Henry, who installed Lucy's new boiler recently, was summoned out by Danielle (my request) to show us and Lucy how to change the heating and hot water temperature, which was pretty simple and Lucy’s now knows how to do this herself. Tried to get her washer/drier to work with Lucy, it didn’t work (the drier). So lovely to chat with a member of staff called J., who's mother I had the joy of working with after her stroke out in the community, when I worked at the QEH.

Went for lovely walk to the churchyard again and this time followed a path at the back of the church which to led a field (with teasels in) and an ivy covered hedge for a short distance, which led to ‘Back Street’ - dead opposite this was a hall/estate, full of tall trees and tons of lovely daffodils. Got chatting to a gamekeeper and estate man, who told us they Goshawks, Bullfinches, Siskins, Firecrests, Treecreepers and Great Spotted Woodpeckers here! As we turned left it was a beautiful scene of a large field of sheep with a back drop of the church with blue sky and fluffy white clouds. We continued our walk to the end of the road, where we crossed to the road back to Lucy's flat - a lovely circular walk for Lucy to do by herself.
Lucy and Vivien
Sheep field and church

Back at Lucy’s flat - we had a cup of tea etc. Lucy's last Amazon parcel turned up, which was a blue document folder. We left to catch the 5.16pm bus and returned to King’s Lynn and had time for a quick look in TKMAX and then returned to the hotel. Vivien and I met at 6.30pm for dinner, had a pasta dish with garlic bread and then ice-cream, shortbread and strawberries for dessert. Ray turned up part way through our meal and he joined us for tea. Very entertaining evening, listening to Ray and Vivien!

Tuesday 18th March
Bought a new top from the Edinburgh Wool Shop. Bought raspberry trifles and veggie sausage rolls from Sainsbury’s. Vivien, Ray and I went on the 10.30am bus to go and see Lucy. Ray had very kindly made Lucy some of his scrumptious Tea Cake, which we all enjoyed with butter. After lunch we had a lovely walk around the sheep fields by the church, were there were lots of cute baby lambs. A warm and sunny day and lots of birds singing including Chiffchaffs. Returned to the flat. Left at 5.16pm and had dinner at the The Globe.


Wednesday 19th March
Saw a Comma butterfly on an ivy covered telegraph pole, on route to see Lucy on the bus. Unfortunately when we arrived at Lucy's with a washing up bowl and cleaning stuff (which was discussed yesterday) – poor Lucy had a breakdown and was shouting enough to bring Maureen (from the office) swiftly over to sort out and calm the situation. We had to leave for a short while and it was all very upsetting. Maureen came to talk with us in the garden. Not really fair to go into details, so I won't. Lucy didn't want to join us in the pub for lunch either.
Vivien, Ray and I went to the local pub by ourselves and had a fantastic first course, but the desserts were rubbish. Ray went back to King's Lynn on the bus. Vivien and I returned to Lucy’s flat with her permission and spent the last three hours with her before we caught the last bus back at 5.16pm. It was difficult to say goodbye to Lucy. Vivien and I have worked out how to make things easier for Lucy on my next visit – she is used to being in the flat by herself and she had me all day with her on Friday, on Sunday (plus Vivien for a couple of hours), then Monday with Vivien and I and then Tuesday with all three of us – it was too much for her to cope with us all again on the Wednesday, I can see that now. As Vivien said, Lucy can only cope with other people for 2-3 hours maximum, so we have worked out how to make this better for Lucy next time.
Vivien, Ray and I had a meal in the hotel and chatted to 10.30pm. Packed up my luggage ready for my early departure tomorrow.

Thursday 20th March
Had to get up at 4.30am. Had a shower, porridge and coffee. Left hotel at 5.30am and it was just getting light. Knocked on Vivien’s door and we had a last hug. Walked to bus station, where there were drunk elderly men sitting on seats with cans of beer. Caught 6am bus to Peterborough and then a train to Edinburgh. Beautiful sunny day and fabulous scenery on the train to Edinburgh. Then a train to Aberdeen arriving at 13.35.

Went to TK Max, M&S and Mountain Warehouse. Walked to NorthLink ferry terminal. Checked in and settled myself in my cabin. Ferry left at 5pm. Had a fish supper, black forest gateaux and Orkney ice-cream. Lots of people on the ferry and trying to find tables to eat in the very busy restaurant area. The smoothest crossing I can recall and had a very long night's sleep!

Friday 21st March
Had breakfast and the ferry arrived in Lerwick at 7.20am. Caught the 7.59 bus back to Scalloway.
Scalloway Harbour, where the bus dropped me off back home!

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice read.... I thought that that was where Lucy had moved to... recognise the stump of the winmill anywhere.
    Poor Lucy tho', somewhat overwhelmed... but she'll settle again...
    Yes the main meals in the pub are wonderful.... apart from the rhubarb crumble when they do it, the puddings are as you rightly say.... NAFF!!
    I used to drive from Castle Acre to get chish and fips from that chippy... some of the best I have ever had.
    Here's wishing you a good Spring and hope there're more migrants to surprise you....
