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Monday 23 March 2015

Back Home!

Where I am destined to be..... as a Therapy Assistant on the Stroke Ward. It felt so good to be back amongst my fellow colleagues today. I got several welcoming hugs and it felt like I had returned to my family! Hilary's amusing humour made me chuckle and I realised how much I had missed them all. It felt rewarding to be back helping to rehabilitate patients and the day just felt normal! Lucky me indeed!

Had to book an urgent GP appointment after work this evening. I needed to get some more Omeprazole Capsules, as I have been suffering extremely badly with Gastro-esophageal reflux disease over the last few weeks and have had no time to get it sorted out. I realised my continuous wheezy coughing and poor sleep, had nothing to do with the left overs of my recent chest infection, but is a result of this condition worsening. I had almost no sleep last night at all. All to do with being overweight, stressed and eating a load of crap over the last few weeks. Your body can only take so much abuse! I was prescribed with more tablets and told to take them for a month, wait two weeks and if symptoms returned, come back to GP.

New me, new start as from today. Back to Weightwatchers on Wednesday, which I started a few weeks ago, before the recent shenanigans. It felt quite warm today when I went outside for lunch. I have not heard my first Chiffchaff yet – the woods adjacent to where I park are usually where I hear my first one – hopefully soon!

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