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Monday 2 March 2015

Father's Discharge Planning!

Mother has been so busy – an OT and colleague came out to the house this morning to suggest an re-arrangement of furniture to accommodate Father's needs when he returns home and this will be carried out tomorrow – this involves moving a piano! A social worker also came out this afternoon, electrician in the morning and other people later on. I went to visit my Father this evening and helped him with his tea – he was very emotional and looked really tired and drained. He kept asking when he was going home, he looked so sad – I reassurred him that it would be the end of the week hopefully. He needed to use the toilet and wanted to get back into bed – this gave me a good opportunity to see how he used the sturn aid, he was pretty good, but required two people to get him into bed once sat down. Father is going to have carers when he goes home and I think both Mother and him will need it. So many other details to sort as well – can't wait to see him back home again, just hope Mother will cope in between the carers coming out.

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