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Friday, 20 March 2015

Last Day In My New Job!

Even with all the stress of the last few weeks going on, I soon realised that being a Discharge Planning Assistant was not for me. I didn't need to wait a few weeks or a few months, really I didn't. The girls I worked with are all really nice and work extremely hard.... too hard some of them, long story. My head has been a mess – I missed my old job as a Therapy Assistant and it wasn't until I started my new job, that I realised how much I had actually enjoyed my previous job. It's been very, very stressful indeed. After a meeting with heads of previous team, I was very, very lucky to be able to now return to my old job, which I start back again this coming Monday – can't wait!

The turmoil of the last few weeks has been a rough ride. I think I'm still sane, but not really sure! So in summary for those of you that haven't read the blog lately:
  • Started new job on Monday 16th February as Discharge Planning Assistant.
  • Father broke his hip on 16th February and I spent most of the night in A&E with parent's.
  • Started day two of new job on 1.5 hours sleep.
  • Daily visits to my father in my hospital, washing his clothes, picking Mother up etc.
  • Monday 23rd February – phonecall at 3.30pm to say my neighbour's house had been on fire most of day and this resulted in my entire house and contents being smoke damaged.
  • Slept at Sarah's house on the first night and then next two weeks in a hotel.
  • Developed an Upper Respiratory Chest Infection and high temperature and unable to leave hotel for a few days.
  • Rainbow cleaning team came out to fumigate, sort my house out, take all laundry, clothes etc away to be washed etc.
  • 2nd March - 'Environmental' Visit by OT to Mother's house and piano moved out and other stuff in preparation for father returning home.
  • Stressful phonecalls from Mother, Social Workers, OT etc etc re: Father's discharge.
  • Thursday 5th March – Father returns home – stressful day.
  • Sunday 8th March – checked out of hotel and returned home.
  • Monday 9th – gave my notice in at work.
  • Thursday 12th March – phonecall at 2.30am from Mother – Father fell out of bed. Drove to Holme to assist and then shattered for rest of the day at work.
  • Saturday 14th March – Rainbow return a small amount of my laundry.
  • Friday 20th March – last day in my job (allowed to leave two week's earlier than expected). Still don't have any cameras, as all being checked and serviced from smoke damage.
  • Saturday 21st March – MOT for Skoda and then Electrician coming round to wire up a new circular strip light in kitchen which blew the other day.
  • Sunday 22nd March – working all day.
  • Monday 23rd March – back in my old job as Therapy Assistant on the Stroke Unit!
I hope very much that April is an easier month! Roll on the Easter weekend!


  1. Sane....
    what's sane?
    It's a mad, mad, mad world...
    and most people need dried frog pills just to cope...
    copious supplies available at the Unseen University...
    knock on the door....
    if you can find it...
    and ask for the Bursar.

    Ye Gods, girl...
    you need a break...
    but I presume the change of job has really confused your leave status??
    Still, you obviously have good seniors...
    and good on you for realizing the job wasn't you, too...
    many won't admit it...
    once things calm down...
    and life is returning to some kind of normal...
    use some leave... for yourself...
    don't be at anyone's beck'n'call...
    go away for a week or fortnight...
    well away!!
    Thinking of you...

  2. That is stress with a capital "S"! Surely that's a year's worth in 1 month and the rest of 2015 should be a breeze. Fingers crossed for your father's recovery and I hope getting back to the old job feels like "home". Take care.
