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Friday 13 March 2015

Friday Update!

Father managed to keep in bed last night, thank goodness, but poor Mother had lots of extra work to do this morning – I won't go in to details. I spent an hour an a half phoning District Nurses and other teams when I got home from work – all of which was a complete waste of time – on of them was going to ring me back, but never did. One of the messages I left yesterday must have got through as a District Nurse came out today and asked Father if he would like a rail at the side of his bed to which he answered 'No' – this had made me so angry. Of course he is going to say No..... he says No to everything. He has not got full capacity and should be cared for in his best interests. I requested them to put a bed rail up, not to ask Father if he wanted one!!! So cross. If he falls out of bed again and breaks anything, I will be on the warpath big time. Father also has someone coming out to assess for a wheelchair – when he heard this, he started ranting and raving..... 'not having a wheelchair, not now, not ever....' I pointed out that if he wanted to feel the sunshine when the weather warmed up, he needed to agree to the wheelchair, as this was the only way of getting out of the house – I could see him thinking about this and seemed to kind of accept it. But I bet he forgets this, when the wheelchair technician comes out!

Cooked my tea, washed up and drove over to Holme to get the big shopping list. Did shopping in Sainsbury's, Hunstanton and returned to Holme. I wanted to relieve Mother and help Father get into his pyjamas and get him into bed, but he refused point blank and told me to go home. Such a shame as it would be reletively easy for me to do that, rather than Mother struggle with it all. I declared as I was leaving that he wouldn't have the choice on Sunday as Mother was going to have some time off and I would be the carer, so he would have to put up with me!

Mother predicted (last night) Black Redstarts arriving today and arrive they did, at Aylmerton and Salthouse! Also a scattering of Wheatears – the beginning of Spring! Hope I get my cameras back in time, before the serious migration kicks off!

Rainbow Cleaning Team are delivering back my emergency clothes tomorrow morning and cleaning out another smokey cupboard, so no early morning birding tomorrow.

Cold east winds and cloud over the weekend, not going to be warm at all!

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