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Friday 26 August 2016

Crazy Day & A 999 Call!!!

What a crazy day!!! Amazing achievement with my Stroke 'A' Team – moving the entire ward with lift issues and hot weather thrown in as well, helped us all lose a few pounds! Our ward is having a major refurbishment, so we have moved to an unoccupied ward for a few months.

On the way home from work this evening I had to call 999, as when I stopped at my local shop, I witnessed the most terrifying driving I had ever seen: two lads driving at approximately 90 mph along the road (30mph road) and overtaking every car on route. They drove so quickly I couldn't even see any of the number plate, but I remembered the car and I won't forget it. I really hope they carried on driving like that through town, so that the police caught up with them! I still can't believe I witnessed the speed of that car in a 30mph zone!

I nearly had a fit, when I half heartily looked at the RBA website on my phone at lunch time and saw the letters appear that spelt 'MEGA Lanceolated Warbler.......' and then went on to read '... yesterday, briefly in long grass in bank midway along main path at c6pm at Titchwell RSPB!!!' I sighed with relief, reading the word 'yesterday'! My colleagues were as usual, amused at my huge excitement over a 'bird' – 'just a bird'.

Tomorrow may bring some 'early birds'. Pity its not October with the easterly winds and rain forecast for Saturday! Still may bring 'rares' if we're lucky! Family and birding on Saturday and Sunday. Working on Bank Holiday Monday!

Lanceolated Warbler would be very nice indeed, having never seen one anywhere! Chances of that being re-found are probably nil though.

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