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Sunday 14 August 2016

Visit To Parents!

Weekend Update: Spent Saturday recuperating, as I didn't feel particularly brilliant and was exhausted from work. Sadly I didn't even leave the house to go birding.

Today I was work (again). On my return home from work, I spent a couple of hours writing a letter on behalf of/for my mother to Works and Pensions, to contest something (long story). I then went to visit Father at Summerville House Care Home in Heacham – I didn't recognise him when I first arrived, as he was wearing a straw hat with blue flowers! There had a been a barbecue for residents and family earlier in the afternoon and the residents had been adorned with hats!

Father was fairly ok and asked how I was, which was sweet. I helped him to eat a strawberry cheesecake I had bought him. Father asked me several times 'could you take me home with you?' Heartbreaking to hear him request this, it really was. He doesn't seem to like night times and said his feet were cold at night, which I can believe, as when he was at home with mother he wore bed socks and had a hot water bottle. Understandably residents are now allowed to have hot water bottles in a care home, but I've requested that he has his bed socks on, which I thought he had been wearing at nights, maybe he is?! He certainly won't sleep properly if his feet are cold – I'm the same and have two hot water bottles when its chilly! I spent about an hour and a half with Father and then headed to Holme to visit Mother.

Mother complimented me on my two page letter I had written to Works and Pensions and said 'you've written that very well'. Mother rarely pays compliments, so felt quite chuffed. Mother's hip is playing up again and she wasn't walking particularly well. We sat and watched some of the Olympics together and then I left to go home.

Back in King's Lynn, I stayed up into the early hours watching Andy Murray win Gold – what an incredible match – nail biting to the last second! I was then going to bed, but so wanted to watch Usain Bolt run the 100m race live. I managed to stay up and so glad I did – so exciting to see him win and watch him interact with the crowds afterwards – it was worth staying up for!

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