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Friday 12 August 2016

Visit To Father!

Thursday Evening
After work, I went to pick Mother up and we visited Father in the care home this evening. We took him a raspberry trifle and a Cadbury's Caramel cake bar (both were favourites of his when he was at home) – he didn't take long to eat both of these, one straight after the other! He looked really awake and bright when we turned up. We had expected him to be asleep but quite the opposite! Some of the things he was saying made sense and others made no sense at all. I told him about my trip to Minsmere RSPB last Sunday and I knew he was listening and taking it all in, when I told him that I had photographed a juvenile wheatear, to which he replied 'a juvenile what?' He sounded very with it, but a little later on, I could see he was looking tired and became grouchy and told us to go.

Took mother home via Sainsbury's as she had forgotten to order her bird seed, but Sainsbury's didn't sell bird seed, so she bought some expensive, finest porridge oats for them instead! Bumped into Ray Roche, who we had a quick catch up with. Returned home and watched the women's gymnastics final on TV and I then drove back to King's Lynn.

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