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Saturday, 6 August 2016

No passport needed...

to Suffolk.....


So, the Western Purple Swamphen has been showing off all BL**DY week, whilst I have worked SIX days on the trot, sweating blood, sweat and tears. I was so looking forward to watching that bird today. My only consolation is that I didn't waste any petrol. After seeing John Richardson's awesome photos taken in the afternoon light, I decided I would not get up at 3am this morning and waited until I had had enough sleep, before I cruised to Minsmere RSPB.

I was mortified when I saw the 'no news' message on the pager, as I'm sure all those dawn birders would have been this morning. My condolences to all those that through work or other reasons were not able to see this bird, since its arrival last week.

I continued to watch the 'no news' messages come up on the pager and waited, presuming it would be found again in the afternoon..... wrong. Nothing all day. I sulked and didn't even bother leaving the house, which was a wicked waste of a gloriously sunny day, but there we go!

Made my last phone call to amazing Apple Engineer, Liam Heffernan this morning, who helped me find my old emails and helped me tweak a few things on my new OS system. Watched the Olympics, chilled and was generally lazy.

My Mother phoned to inform me that she had fallen off her bike into the verge near the farm shop this morning. She was unable to get up – her bike had fallen across her leg. Huge thanks to the 'young man' (as she described him) who assisted her in getting up. She said the road had pot holes and she had not noticed this until it was too late. Luckily she was not hurt and managed to cycle home – don't know how she got away with that – she could have easily fallen into traffic! She refuses to have a cycle helmet which adds to my worries – parents!

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