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Thursday, 17 November 2011

MEGA in King's Lynn?

The one that got away?

Two of my work colleagues saw a VERY, VERY interesting bird this morning in King's Lynn - they described it as 'black, white and blue' - 'a very striking, pretty little bird' the 'steely blue grey colour was on the back of the bird' and the rest of the bird was black and white, but the black and white was 'more prominent on the sides on the bird'. They are not birdwatchers, but know enough to know that it wasn't any of the common birds that I listed/showed them pictures of. It was a small bird and was seen on the grass by the kerb and also momentarily on a small 2ft wall and also in some lower branches of an oak tree. They described it as around robin(ish) sized. I was naturally VERY excited and flew home lunchtime to get my bins and camera and whizzed back to search for it in my lunch slot, but I could not find the bird anywhere. The only bird that sprang to mind when I asked someone's else advice was a Black-throated Blue Warbler or maybe a Siberian Blue Robin!!!!! Any other more sensible ideas please? Louise (one of the two ladies that saw the bird) has recently bought an iphone 4 and was trying to work out how the zoom worked on the camera to take a picture, but was unable to find this out until later when she did not see the bird again! I am absolutely gutted. I pointed out to Louise that if she had managed to photograph it and it had turned out to be a black throated blue warbler, she and I would have been mega famous - she is now cursing not being able to work the zoom on the camera! I am also cursing her!!!!!!

I will get to the spot at dawn tomorrow which means I will only have about an hour to look before work. Will ring RBA immediately if I find it, if its something good, even though I would be in massive trouble because of where it is - but hey ho, life's too short!!!

Update - 7.15pm - Louise is trying to find the bird she saw on the net and is suggesting 'Black throated Gray Warbler. I have so far come up with Cerulean Warbler and others to match her description...... but she said she is 'sticking with 'Black-throated Gray Warbler'. So I will look VERY hard tomorrow morning!!!!!

I can't cook, rest or do any jobs this evening - this bird is REALLY bugging me massively!!!!!

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