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Sunday 15 January 2017

Family & Wagtail Gathering!

My Mother was finally well enough with her cold/virus to visit Father today. We all met up to be with Father this afternoon – Lucy, Vivien, Mother and I. On route to picking Mother up I stopped at Wolferton and got lucky with fabulous views of the male Golden Pheasant at 3.45pm, strutting across the road and then along the verge, before disappearing underneath the canopy of the Rhododendrons!

My family have not seen Father for a good few days and he was quite poorly the last time they saw him. They all thought he looked quite well, but I didn't feel he did at all. In fact, he looked very poorly in my eyes. He was very quiet, I didn't get a single smile and although more subdued than last night, he still seemed to be hallucinating a bit. The nurse said his blood pressure was a little low, but all obs. were fine otherwise. He didn't really seem aware that Mother was there sadly.

We followed the QEH rules at meal time – Vivien went off to the canteen and Lucy and Mother sat in the Day Room whilst I fed Father. Meals are 'protected time' and no visitors are supposed to be on the ward unless one person is feeding a patient. Pity other families on the ward did not do the same! Father ate quite well and had most of the main course, half of the rice pudding and most of a coffee dessert and most of his coffee! He was very quiet and seemed like he had given up – very sad to see him like this.

I took Mother and Lucy to see the Pied Wagtail Roost along the finance corridor, which they were both fascinated by. We estimated a couple of hundred birds were huddled together in the bushes – so wonderful to watch these fluffy bundles of cuteness!!! We went to the canteen for a short while, returned to say good night to Father and all left. I took Mother home and sat with the cat for a while, before returning to King's Lynn.

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