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Friday, 27 January 2017


Well, its come round again, another year older! It didn't feel like my birthday, whatever birthdays are supposed to feel like when you get to my age! It was a very quiet day, no diamonds, parties, romantic meal or anything grand, but one little moment made my day – I visited Father at 12pm to help him with his lunch and requested a birthday kiss, which he sweetly just about managed on my cheek – he also managed a little beaming smile, when I told him that he was the first person I had seen on my birthday. He looked more alert today, which may be due to the fact that the GP has now requested that he only have one dose of Resperidone at night instead of having this twice daily – this morning was the first time he had not had any and he looked less fatigued. Staff also informed me yesterday that Father now has possible Cellulitis in his left foot (GP visited him) which is being treated with antibiotics – lack of mobility I suppose and old age.

Father had his main course (pureed) fish something or other, which didn't look too exciting and he said he didn't like it very much, but ate it anyway and two yoghurt's which I requested a banana for and mashed it altogether. After this, he was still hungry, so someone kindly made him a bowl of porridge with honey added and he ate the lot! Washed down with a drink, he then started to slip into an afternoon nap – I left shortly after this.

Stopped in Hunstanton to do some banking and then picked Mother up to have lunch in the 'Feeding Station' at Titchwell RSPB. A simple, but lovely lunch, but sadly we were too late to both have our favourite cheese and red onion potato skins and salad – there was only one left, so I let Mother have the last one and I had a broccoli/cheese bake and salad which was nearly as nice. Naturally we both had dessert and enjoyed rhubarb crumble and custard with a coffee. Mother is not well enough to walk too far and initially she only wanted to go into the shop to buy some cards and bird seed, but I managed to persuade her to walk around the Fen Trail. We didn't see too much, but managed to see Robins, Great Tit, Chaffinches, Great Spotted Woodpecker, half a dozen smart Siskins (high up the alders above the cafe) and the Water Rail was showing well in the usual ditch alongside the main path. I tried in vain to persuade Mother to walk along the main path towards Island Hide, but she point blank refused and understandably I could see she was getting tired.

When we were in the shop, I was chatting to a nice lady who was working behind the till (who reads my blog) and I was explaining how careful I have to be with what I write on my blog – and that I don't write a quarter of what I would like to write, rant and rave about!!! I like to write freely and from the heart, but I have to hold back a lot of the time. I often write a big paragraph and then read it back and think no, maybe I can't publish that! Sue B. kindly sang Happy Birthday to me, thanks!

There has been a big clearing of trees around the picnic area and near the visitor centre, not sure if I'm in love with it, but Mother pointed out it would bring more light in and the butterflies would like it more – suppose she's right! But, I do like all the felled moss covered tree stumps and logs, which in my vivid imagination were adorned with Red-flanked bluetails – here's hoping! We headed for home and with the cat, we dozed and watched TV. I returned to King's Lynn at about 8.30pm. I needed to go food shopping really, but felt exhausted and couldn't muster up the energy to go. My sister Lucy is still so ill with her cold/virus that she has had to cancel her rehearsal and the concert she should be playing her violin in at the Corn Exchange on Sunday – poor girl! Good night!


  1. Hi Penny, love reading the blog. belated birthday wishes to you. can see its been a tough time but people are thinking of you. take care of yourself. best wishes. S

  2. Thank you Stuart. Best Wishes Penny
