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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Father Returns to Summerville House Care Home!

Again!!! Father did not look well at all this morning – he looked pale and fatigued. The ambulance crew agreed that he did not look well, when they transferred him from the bed to the ambulance trolley for discharge. But, the doctors and staff nurses said he was fit to go, so he must be!!! I met the ambulance at the care home. Father looked very pale after his journey, but this was expected as he travels very badly. He had a lovely reception from some of the staff at the care home.

Father is now full hoist, rather than the standing hoist, as he has become considerably weaker since his hospital admissions. He was hoisted into his wheelchair ready for lunch. He sat poorly in the wheelchair, this was too much for him and I realised that this chair is not suitable for him now. I phoned the wheelchair clinic at the QEH to request a visit from the OT to assess him for a more comfortable and better fitting wheelchair. I wheeled Father through to the dining room, ready for lunch. His puree lunch looked really good and to my surprise he ate it all and the peaches and neapolitan ice-cream! He also had a whole cup of drink, which now has to be thickened. I took him back into the living room and suggested he go to bed, but he choose to be transferred to the armchair, which was done and he looked tired but more comfortable. I unpacked Father's clothes and put everything away in his room. I had a long chat with the Manager about Father and suggested that maybe he should have an afternoon nap in bed straight after lunch daily, as I don't feel he can tolerate sitting in a chair all day now, this was agreed. I left mid afternoon.

Visited Mother and we both spent several lazy hours just watching TV, eating, drinking coffee, stroking the cat and hugging hot water bottles – the house is cold! I rung the care home later and Father had gone to bed at 8pm. Let's hope I don't get a repeat of the last time he returned, when I got a phone call at 3.26am a few hours later!!! I can't mentally take any more!

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