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Saturday 14 January 2017

Lucky Friday 13th For Father!

I wasn't looking forward to today. Friday 13th is not a good day for my family, one of the reasons being that Father had his first stroke on Friday 13th. But today was a good day for him – he continues to make progress against all the odds and was taken off the oxygen this morning! He was sitting out in a recliner chair when I arrived and I helped him with his lunch. He was alert and smiley and looked so comfortable in the chair. Its a long time since I have seen him positioned so well, generally he is sitting forwards in a chair with trunk leaning right and unsupported.

I did chuckle when I heard from a couple of people, that a new doctor was assessing my Father this morning and asked him how many fingers he was holding up!!! I bet he felt rather silly, when it was pointed out that Father is blind! That will teach him not to read previous medical history before coming to assess a patient! Also the new patient boards above the beds have symbols, one of which indicates that father has poor vision – I have made it clearer and written 'BLIND' – lets hope people see this!!!

I still felt tired today and went home at about 3.30pm, fell asleep and then returned to visit Father for an hour and a half in the evening. There was a light covering of snow first thing this morning, but it all disappeared later. The strong northerly winds blew down a fence panel in my back garden!

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