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Thursday 19 January 2017

Father Settling In!

Mother and I visited Father in the care home this afternoon. He was sitting in a different chair with a footrest – he looked fairly comfortable, but having lots of experience in positioning patients in beds and chairs, I had to shuffle some cushions about to ensure a mid-line position! He was alert for a few moments only, when we announced our arrival, but then carried on sleeping. As Mother said, he looked very tired, but that was to be expected after what he has been through. He has almost died twice in a matter of weeks and we have grieved for him twice, which understandably has pushed us all mentally to the limit.

My Mother had two hospital appointments today – she is seriously unwell and this is another huge stress in my sisters and my life – difficult times. You cope with things as we all have to and try to carry on with life as normally as possible, but then something sends you over the edge. Each of us can only take so much.

I can't remember the last time I took a photograph or spent a whole day birding – this is something I desperately need to get back to, so that I can regain my sanity and normality!

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