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Thursday 14 May 2020

Gramborough Hill & Coastal Cruise!

Gramborough Hill – Salthouse

Cruising east along the A148 I saw 4 Red Kites and 2 Common Buzzards. It was a gloriously sunny day. Met up with John F. and with social distancing, we ambled to Gramborough Hill at Salthouse. It was so good to be at one of my favourite places – the light was beautiful and everything looked magical. Birds seen here: Stonechats x 2, Wheatears x 2, Sand Martins, Swallows, Goldfinches, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipits, Avocets, Redshanks x 2, Ringed Plovers x 2, Little Egret and Cuckoo calling. From the hill, the sea looked magnificent! I asked John if he had seen any Little Terns yet, to which he replied 'no' – moments later as I was scanning the sea, 8 Little Terns came into view flying east – so lovely to see! John went home and I headed west. Along the road just before Walsey Hills car park I saw a Yellow Wagtail flying close along the reed bed next to the road. On Snipe's Marsh there were 2 Little Grebes and several Swifts in the air.
Stonechat at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

Looking east from Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

None of the car parks are open in Cley, all are coned off, so I headed to the Sewage works in the village and got lucky with a Grey Wagtail and heard a Cetti's Warbler. Blackcap and Chiffchaff were singing along the road towards Glandford Ford. Turned back and headed for Blakeney, where I stopped at 'The House on The Hill'. Heard a Cuckoo, saw a Chiffchaff in an elder, Chaffinch, Robin and Blue Tit. From here I could the Lifeboat at the west end of Blakeney Point, wavering in the heat haze. Stopped at Morston just before the church to scan the large horse paddock, which resulted in lots of Wood Pigeons, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Mistle Thrush and a Blackbird.
North Point Pools – Wells

At North Point Pools, Wells I had a nice selection of birds to end the day. There were only two birders here when I arrived and only another two arrived after me. The light was stunning as I watched 2 Yellow Wagtails, 1 White Wagtail, Pied Wagtails, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 7 Common Sandpipers, 2 Wood Sandpipers, Avocets + cute fluffy chicks, Gadwalls, Mallards, Shelducks, Cuckoo calling and seen perched, Black-headed Gulls, Lapwings, Reed Warbler in hawthorn next to where I stood, Blackbird, Marsh Harriers x 2, Barn Owl flew right in front of me along the ditch, 16 Black-tailed Godwits landed on the east side late evening, 1 colour ringed Spoonbill, Little Egret, Egyptian Geese, Greylag Geese, Brent Geese, Little Egret, Moorhens, Coots and Oystercatcher.

It was seriously chilly, when I left at 8.45pm! Headed west to enjoy the coastal scenery and noted that all car parks I could see on route were closed. At Burnham Overy Staithe, I headed inland via Burnham Market and Bircham to King's Lynn. Stocked up with a few supplies from the Tesco garage shop in King's Lynn. Made sandwiches for tomorrow. Good Night!

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