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Monday, 11 May 2020


Three new coronavirus deaths in Norfolk hospitals

Huge variation in Covid-19 cases and deaths across the Anglia region

Lockdown update: What are the new rules set out by Boris Johnson?

How to make your own face mask

Here are a few screenshots from the above link:

My summary of last night's new "STAGE ONE" from Boris Johnson

On a personal note, I was overjoyed to find out, that from Wednesday I can drive to the coast, which means on my 10 day holiday, which starts on Saturday, I can actually drive to several of my favourite birding places and I get to see the sea again – this will help my mental state, wellbeing and my entire life balance, whilst having to wear PPE all week!!! BUT, forgetting about me...... I think the government have done this far too early. Personally I think they should have allowed us to drive say a maximum of eg 20 miles from our home, in order to have some variation, for those of us that live in a built-up and uninspiring area. That would have meant that someone like myself would have been able to go to Heacham or Snettisham beach and I would have been more than happy with that for weeks on end. Then, later AFTER the schools go back (whenever that might be), they could have then said that we could drive eg 50 miles or within our own county only, but the fact that you can now drive any distance in England, as long as you are not going to Ireland, Wales or Scotland (different rules), is simply CRAZY! If they had done this after the schools went back, it would have meant all second home owners and children would be at their main residences and the impact of visitors to the coast at weekends, would be at the same level it would normally be: locals, birders, day trippers.

So, what will happen now is, especially from Saturday, is that all those local people including birders who have been desperate to get to the coast to go birding etc will be going. Now in normal circumstances this would be no different to a normal weekend in May, but add to that, we have a big number of second home owners here with their children, who will also be going to the coast and lets be frank about, there have been many breaking the rules already and I include birders and locals in that statement too! Add to that again, some second home owners that didn't come here, will do now, as they will see it as a last holiday before the children are sent back! Add to that day trippers coming (yes they normally do), but there will be more than normal. So in all in all, the Norfolk coast will be like sardines this weekend and because lots of the car parks are closed, there will be some dangerous and precarious parking along the roads. Local shops will be emptied of essential food supplies for some elderly people that can't get to the larger supermarkets, need I go on?! Ok, I will! The huge increase in traffic will result in accidents and this will add pressure to our hospitals and Covid-19 cases in Norfolk will rise again, because some people will sadly break the rules.

You will note in the screenshot above 1.9 that is against the rules for people to be in their second homes, as it was in the previous rules and for anybody to be staying here on holiday. So all those second homers and holidaymakers currently here (and some of you will be reading this) are at risk of a £100 fine for the first offence and each offence goes up to a maximum of £3,200 and magistrates court after that. If only we had enough police in our county to enforce this and to dish out all the fines to everyone, including those that don't social distance at 2 metres etc. I will probably get some troll emails from second home owners now, but to be honest I don't care, you shouldn't be here. I also heard from a little bird (can't divulge my source) that 'some' second homers in Norfolk attempted to get their children into schools whilst they are here – unbelievable, well maybe not!

I think it will be many, many months before any bird hides can be used, after all, how can you social distance in a hide? – unless of course, as Eddie amusingly said on Twitter "I can, if I have the only key" Hides are the equivalent to gigs/football matches, restaurants, its not going to happen for a long time, maybe not until we have a vaccine! Oh, well at least we won't miss birds going overhead, as David Lindo says "Look Up" and that we will certainly be able to do now.

I have spent a fortune getting my bike done up and I'm really glad I have, but to be honest, I can't see me using it much now. Its not that I don't want to cycle, its just too far to cycle at my grand old age, to all the decent birding spots. If I lived on the coast or in a rural village, I would definitely be using it, some of the time anyway.

To all my inland birding friends in Norfolk – I would get out there and enjoy every minute (with your 2 metre distancing) as you won't be doing it for long. I hate to say it, but there will be so many people breaking the rules, that we will be in lockdown again within three weeks – that's my prediction, sorry! At least we will all get a coastal birding fix to tide us over, until we are released again!!!


There is a very prompt update from the RSPB, which is keeping its reserves closed, with all the reasons explained in full, which I totally agree with.

The NWT has updated today too, although brief, states that all reserves remain closed with updates over the next few days.

The Norfolk Ornithologists Association's reserves also remain closed (that includes Walsey Hills where some birders have walked past the padlocked gate onto the reserve), but there is no date, so unsure if this had been updated recently or not.

The National Trust's last update was on the 7th May, so presume they will be updating again soon.

Sculthorpe Moor Community Nature Reserve also remains closed until further notice.

Welney WWT also remains closed until further notice.

  • Make facemask 😷
  • Put the bike away 👍
  • Get birding gear ready to put in car 👏
  • Buy a hat to cover my roots up 😂
  • See my sisters seperately before end of week 🙋 💕
  • Go to the beach 🏖

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