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Sunday 31 May 2020

Squacco Heron at Bayfield Hall!

I spent a lot of time today at Bayfield Hall Lake and Natural Surroundings, enjoying views of the fabulously flamboyant Squacco Heron! What a bird! The weather was beautiful, even though it was too hot for me. I somehow managed to photograph a Banded Demoiselle on my iPhone 11 Pro Max, which I was quite pleased with! Also saw a Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard and a Red Kite here. The lake was simply beautiful, with thousands upon thousands of damselflies – what a sight! I had my lunch by my car in complete shade in the car park at Natural Surroundings (open for plants sales) and then headed to Salthouse.

Sat in my deckchair on top of Gramborough Hill, whilst chatting to John F. There was a lovely sea breeze up here, which was a welcome relief. Sand Martins flying around my head and 2 Little Terns seen offshore. Other birds seen: Stonechat, Meadow Pipits, Whitethroats, Goldfinches, 2 Cuckoos, 1 Little Egret, Ringed Plovers and Avocets.

Had my egg and potato salad tea in the Walsey Hills car park and then returned to Bayfield Hall Lake for more view of the Squacco Heron. I wasn't able to get a decent shot of the Squacco Heron, as it was too far away for my 300mm lens, but got some nice videos of it preening later on. Left very late and arrived home at just after 10pm!

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