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Wednesday, 20 May 2020


The hottest day of the year and far too hot for me. Chilled at home and kept my birds happy – re-filled the bird baths twice, much to the delight of the Starlings. At one point a male Blackbird and a Starling both had a full on wash together in the same bath! So many birds coming and going! Got my turquoise garden parasol out of the spare room and put this up outside – my little patio looked very Mediterranean today and bees were buzzing around my Sage flowers on "World Bee Day".

I heard from a friend this evening, that a photographer was seen (from a far distance away) with long lens, standing in the MIDDLE of the pool just west of Gramborough Hill, the pool which is FENCED OFF to protect breeding birds and was probably attempting to photograph Ringed Plover chicks, disgusting behaviour!!!

I've heard a lot of very sad things today. A long hedge has been obliterated between Walsey Hills NOA and The Hangs at Cley and is being replaced by a fence, reported by M.A.G on Twitter!!! Why was this done in breeding season and undoubtedly nests/eggs would have been minced up?! Truly wicked!

There was a gorse fire caused by a barbecue between Morston and Stiffkey last night and another at Winterton! ALL barbecues and fires are now banned on all Norfolk beaches because of these incidents apparently.

A Holme resident reported that people had parked on double yellow lines between the Hun Bridge where the road is twisty and very narrow up to the toilet block at Holme, blocked people’s driveways and this I could hardly believe..... knocking on residents doors to ask if they could park in their drives!!! You couldn't make that up! Unbelievable! I heard later on from a different source that the entire village was packed out with cars and that emergency services would not have been able to access all areas of the village because of this irresponsible and selfish parking! Apparently there were approximately 1,500 people between Hunstanton and Holme beaches – this would have undoubtedly caused disturbance to nesting birds. How sad that so many don’t care about the loss of nature or come here and simply don’t care about our county as long as they have fun! Dogs running riot and disturbing nests in grass and on beaches (gov website states all dogs must be on leads/close control during Covid-19 and should be anyway in breeding season) people leaving rubbish strewn along the coast and the usual hanging up of plastic bags of dog poo!!!

One new coronavirus related death in Norfolk

Tale of two coasts on hottest day of the year in Norfolk as daytrippers pick and choose
Apparently it wasn't too bad today on the beaches in Norfolk – EDP didn't do a very good job on reporting that, which I have commented on!

Some public toilets on Norfolk coast to reopen - but stay away message remains

Stop the Wildlife Trade: Wuhan officially bans eating wild animals

Seaside village singled out for wind farm cable landfall

England beaches gridlock caused by cars 'from all over country'

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