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Saturday 9 May 2020



I didn't sleep very well last night at all and ended up listening to the dawn chorus from my bedroom window – I was so pleased to hear a Cuckoo calling distantly! This inspired me! Showered, washed hair and went out early morning birding at 6.50am, walking from my house along the cycle path until I reached the fields and marsh between Reffley Wood and the QEH.

It was worth getting up for. The highlight of the morning was at least 10+ Whitethroats singing and flitting about amongst hawthorn and reeds in the sunshine. Also a Stonechat was sitting on a small bush right out in the middle of the fields distantly – I hadn't expected to find that here! Other birds seen were Reed Bunting, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Crows, Jackdaw, Little Egret and a Grey Heron flew over, Mute Swans x 3, Mallards, Blackbirds, Wrens, Great Spotted Woodpeckers x 2, Green Woodpecker, Common Buzzard erupted from Reffley Wood, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, House Sparrows, House Martins x 4, Jay and Starlings.

Returned home and took my Rustic French bread out of the breadmaker, which I had set on timer last night – this was the first time I done this particular bread recipe, very nice indeed! Did some washing, cleaned bird baths out and topped up the feeders. Cooked a posh lunch in honour of VE day, but it was too hot to sit outside! A big family of Starlings have seemingly permanently moved in and are hoovering up all the bird food and have one million washes in the bird baths! So lovely to watch a row of Starlings perched on top of my trellis, shaking their wet rainbow feathers! Was so pleased to see a baby Robin in my garden this morning, hopping around right next to my patio door and away from the boisterous Starlings.

Dozed on the sofa in afternoon, my lack of sleep had caught up with me. Vivien texted me some lovely pictures of her sitting on Ray's bunting decorated narrowboat and I phoned Lucy for a chat. Watched the VE Day celebrations on BBC1 – watch on iPlayer HERE, which was both brilliant and incredibly emotional.

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