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Monday 24 October 2016

A Marriage Proposal!!!

My Mother had to go for an out-patient's appointment at the hospital this afternoon and as arranged, I picked her up when I finished work. Can you believe you can not get hospital transport unless you are dying, so she had to pay £28.00 for a taxi to her appointment – ridiculous!

We popped in to visit Father on the way home to Holme. Father was eating his tea when we arrived, which I then helped him with. He really enjoyed all the exciting news about my pictures of the Fin Whale and tapped my hand as if to say 'well done' – he was smiling and looked pleased for me. I apologised for not visiting for a while and explained all about the east winds and birds – I think he understood! He seemed so pleased to see me and said 'he didn't think he was going to see me anymore' – the then said 'will you marry me' and laughed (rather strange I know), but I think it was his way of saying he loves me. I laughed and pointed out that he has a wonderful wife sitting next to him already!

Father is going to be 90 years old on the 2nd November (next Wednesday), I never thought he would make it this far – tough cookie! I've booked the day off work as has Vivien and along with Lucy and Mother we all going to spend his birthday with him. Any old friends (not many left!) that would like to join us for the cake cutting at about 5pm on the day, please do join us at Summerville House Care Home, Fenway, Heacham, Norfolk PE31 7BH.

After visiting Father, we went to Hunstanton and bought a take-away vegetarian biryani (one between us) and peshwari naan for our tea and enjoyed this back at Holme. Spent a nice evening with Mother and then returned home feeling very tired.

SpecSavers appointment tomorrow!

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