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Saturday 22 October 2016

EAST HILLS, Burnham Overy Dunes & The MEGA!

East Hills was planned a good few days ago with others, but sadly it did not produce today with ten sharp sets of eyes! No sign of Dave Andrews' Red-flanked Bluetail that he found yesterday, which was highly disappointing. 3 Woodcocks, Robins, Goldcrests, Wrens, Blackbirds, Redwings, Song Thrush, Chiffchaffs, 1 Blackcap, 4 Greenfinches, Ring Ouzel (not seen by me). We searched hard to find something good but then gave in early and left to see Dave Andrew's second good bird in two days!

Mega! ISABELLINE WHEATER found by Dave Andrews – he's on a roll! This fabulous bird was not far from where I had been watching a Northern Wheatear the other day! The Isabelline Wheatear was very distinctive – very pale, with upright stance – generally feeding high on the dune ridge amongst long grasses and privet bushes. Too distant for photos really and wished I had bought my scope to do a video, but never mind. This was the place to be today, with Pallas's Warbler too, which I saw flying from one bush to another and other good birds (see today's Norfolk list) which I didn't see.

So nice to bump into Simeon and James Grundy and Connor Rand (not seen them in ages) amongst other Norfolk birders. Lots of people walking out to see the Fin Whale on the beach, which made the entire place incredibly busy! Wonder who's fault that is Penelope!

I left the crowds and went to eat my very late lunch at 3pm (ish) by the scrub seaward side of Gun Hill – watched a Chiffchaff and several Goldcrests feeding close by in low cover. The light was beautiful and it was lovely sitting here. Connor came and joined me and we had a good catch up and then searched all the scrub and dunes/beach west of Gun Hill – several Goldcrests, Hedge Sparrow, Chiffchaff and that was the best we could find.

The Isabelline Wheatear remained on the dune ridge at dusk just before I left. A few people were still there as I headed back. A Redwing was perched in the apple tree at the end of the boardwalk, as I started to walk back. It was completely dark when I got back to my car. Very muddy, very tired.

The big question is? What is Dave Andrews going to find for the last day of my holiday? Make it a good one please!


This is the latest tally for Siberian Accentors!!!

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