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Monday 10 October 2016

Hardwick Cemetery & Thornham Point!

Hardwick Cemetery in King's Lynn looked potentially brilliant for migrants – with mature trees of all kinds, including massive sycamores, firs, pines, hollies etc. The ONLY bird I could find in here was a Goldcrest! Not a blackbird, robin or anything – quite shocking really. A squirrel ran across one of the paths with a large conker – that was the most excitement I had!

Thornham Point produced nothing of note – I could not relocate the Siberian Stonechat. Walked back via the beach – it was a fabulous evening and I took some funky sky pictures.

I was excited when I found a Leucistic Starling right at the back of the freshmarsh at Titchwell RSPB on route back with only my bins to hand. I presume this is the same bird that Robert Smith put on Twitter yesterday, which has been around at Holme this week. I later found out from various people on Twitter, that this bird has been around since May! First time I have seen it or knew about it. I tend to bird alone and I'm not in any 'clicks', so wouldn't know about it unless I found it myself!

Visited my Mother again to help with some chores and drop some shopping in. Early night, big day tomorrow! Siberian Robin? Siberian Rubythroat?

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