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Friday 21 October 2016

Media Frenzie All Day!

The day continued to be crazy with emails, telephone calls, deals, opening a PayPal account and all kinds! I need a PA?!!! I have been SO busy, which of course was exciting and lifted my spirits, but I should have been out birding!!! I still can't believe, that just because I took an average video of a Fin Whale that it has generated this massive media interest! If I had known, I would have made a better job of it! Mind you, my pictures were ok I suppose.

I eventually got out to Holme NOA for an hour only! Heard a Cetti's Warbler, saw a few Robins, Blackbirds and watched a Barn Owl over the marsh. Searched the pines opposite the sea watching hide to find a bluetail, but obviously they were under cover for the night! Very cold this evening.

Visited my Mother who was extremely low in mood and feeling lousy – it was very difficult to cheer her up, some tablets she has to be on are making her feel like this I think. Gave her a hug and left her watching a gardening programme. When I phoned later, she sounded a little better and excitedly told me she had seen my pictures of the Fin Whale on BBC1 – I haven't seen any of them on TV yet myself!

Went to pick Lucy up from her rehearsal at 10pm and take her home, which added to the crazy day. I am hoping tomorrow will be crazy with birds! Good night!

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