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Thursday 27 October 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Spotted Redshanks x 2, Water Pipits x 2 at Titchwell RSPB.
Lapland Bunting at Thornham Marsh.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Sheringham.
DUSKY WARBLER still at Walsey Hills NOA.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail probable (form plexa simillima) flew west over Iron Road at Salthouse.
DESERT WHEATEAR Male, Shorelarks x 12, Snow Bunting, Lapland Bunting on shingle between Iron Road and Sea Pool between Cley and Salthouse.
Water Pipits just north of A149 on pool west of Iron Road, Jack Snipe, Lapland Bunting, Snow Bunting just west of Little Eye, Black Redstart in garden by A149 at Salthouse.
Lapland Buntings x 2 flew west over cliffs at West Runton.
Yellow-browed Warbler yesterday at Upper Sheringham.
MEGA! ISABELLINE WHEATEAR and DESERT WHEATEAR 1w fem again west of boardwalk near Gun Hill at Burnham Overy Dunes.
Great Grey Shrike at Marsham Heath.
DUSKY WARBLER on Warren Road at Gorleston-on-Sea.
Long-tailed Duck, Water Pipits x 5, Jack Snipe on Watling Water from Babcock Hide, Caspian Gulls x 3 on Simmond's Scrape at Cley NWT.
Jack Snipe x 2, Bittern at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.
Shorelarks x 44 on saltmarsh at Holkham Gap at Holkham Bay.
Whinchat in hedge in near road between drying barns and Choseley.
Twite x 2, Linnets x 200 at Thornham Harbour.
Tundra Bean Goose, Eurasian White-fronted Goose, Pink-footed Geese x 7,000 yesterday in field by Friar's Thorne Farm, between Burnham Market and Docking.
Shorelarks x 3 in cliff top fields at Trimingham.

MEGA! ASIAN HOUSE MARTIN possible, St Mary's Isles of Scilly.
MEGA! SORA found dead on 18th October at Exminster Marshes RSPB.
MEGA! SIBERIAN ACCENTOR 8th for UK! still at Unst at Lund, Shetland.
MEGA! SIBERIAN ACCENTOR 9th for UK! still at Sandside Bay, Deerness, Orkney.
MEGA! ISABELLINE WHEATEAR still, west of end of boardwalk at Burnham Overy Dunes, Norfolk.
MEGA! WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, 8 miles north of Scunthorpe at Alkborough Flats Nature Reserve, Lincolnshire.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN still 1 mile NW of Wadebridge plus SW of Trewornan, Camel Estuary, Cornwall.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL, 4 miles east of Penzance, 500yds west of Perranuthnoe at Boat Cove, Cornwall.

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