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Sunday 16 October 2016

Burnham Overy Dunes!

You could tell the winds had switched south as there was very little action at Burnham Overy Dunes today. The Barred Warbler was so elusive I don't believe its there!!! I spent some time waiting for this bird to appear from the brambles, but lost patience and carried on to Burnham Overy Dunes. Flocks of Redwings coming in off the sea, a big flock of Linnets, a few Robins, a Kestrel and that was it. Not a single bird in the bushes at the end of the boardwalk, which was disappointing. I started to walk to Holkham but turned back. Returned to the Barred Warbler spot – there was no one else here, so I sat down for a long wait... and waited and waited. No sign of the Barred Warbler.

By the stile, I watched several Bramblings in the large willow in the field, along with a massive group of Starlings and a female Blackcap. Also a Swallow flew over my head! I returned to my car and sat and had my tea and a coffee. A very nice lady called Fiona who reads my blog came up to say hello, before she went to look for the Barred Warbler – good luck! I then returned home. My trip to Easington and the huge amount of time spent typing up all the Norfolk Bird News over the last week has taken its toll – I still felt so tired today.

I still have another week's holiday – so glad I booked two weeks off, as don't feel ready to go back to work yet. The weather for this coming week looks interesting, starting off with south west winds on Monday and Tuesday, north west on Wednesday and then returning to easterly winds from Thursday onwards!!! Hopefully I'll see another 'Sibe' before the end of next weekend and preferably in Norfolk!

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