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Thursday, 30 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:

Lunch at work with the physio team as well – a get together for Sidonie and a card and beautiful silver necklace (chosen by Elaine) given to her from all of us. Sidonie kindly gave us some New Zealand chocolate and a lovely little bird book on the birds of New Zealand for me! Sidonie pointed out her favourite bird in the book, which is a Takahē.

Then, an evening out after work to the "Douglas Arms" for drinks with Sidonie, Catherine, Kyle, Jen and Luke. It was Sidonie's last day at work and on Saturday she leaves Shetland. There was a football match on a big screen, being watched very enthusiastically by a group of locals! It seemed like a really warm and welcoming pub with Christmas lights up, musical instruments hung on the wall and a fascinating collection of historical photos and artworks.


Wednesday 29th November

Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:

Monday, 27 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Several things being organised in relation to my house purchase, not as simple as I thought it would be, but going smoothly currently! I will either have to pack very quickly indeed or I will have a bit longer until the new year?! 😊

Sunday, 26 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Raining all day, rest and jobs. I recently bought a new Christmas 🎄 for my new house, but it may not get unboxed until Christmas 2024! I may be in my fabulous new house before Christmas, but it might end up being January 2024 – depends how quickly the solicitors work together!🤞 😊

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Guided Beach Tour!

Banna Minn Beach, West Burra


Sidonie (see yesterday's post) has not had a car for the majority of the time she has been here and hadn't visited the beaches at West Burra yet, so I said earlier in the week I would take her today.  It was chilly with NW winds, but dry, apart from the odd spits of rain and the sun even even came out for a while on and off, not bad for a late November day here!

Meal Beach, West Burra


I had a big flask of tea for us and we picked up some lunch and snacks from Sound Garage on route. We started off at Meal Beach where there were several cars in the car park. Frustrating to find the 'public' loos closed – obviously only open for the tourist season! We ambled down the path and through the gate to the beach, but stayed on the cliff edge and took some pictures of this stunning beach, before heading back to the car. Sidonie was impressed with the views through my Swarovski binoculars! Then headed to Banna Minn Beach. On route we stopped briefly at the pull in area and picnic table opposite Easthouse Croft (renovated croft house and museum) and saw some seals on an island, Ringed Plover, Turnstones, Redshanks, Oystercatcher and on Papil Loch there were several Whooper Swans, Greylag Geese and a good number of duck. Also saw several Redwings in sheep fields on route and some very unusual looking fluffy sheep with black faces – a breed I had not seen here before. Update from several lovely Shetland folk on Facebook, who told me they are Valais Blacknose Sheep, a rare breed from Switzerland.

Great Northern Diver at Banna Minn Beach, West Burra
Banna Minn Beach, West Burra
Sidonie on Banna Minn Beach, West Burra
Valais Blacknose Sheep on West Burra
A rare breed from Switzerland

Parked up for Banna Minn Beach and walked down to enjoy the spectacular views of this tombola. I found two Great Northern Divers here, fairly close inshore and was surprised to see two Goldfinches flying close by and at eye level past me! It seemed to be getting increasingly colder, the longer we were out! Headed back south and had our lunch in the parking area, overlooking St Nininian's Isle. Then went to Maywick Beach, which Sidonie particularly enjoyed seeing, but it was icy cold here, so we didn't stay long! No birds of note, apart from Fulmars sailing round the cliffs.

Maywick Beach, near Bigton 

Had a tour around Levenwick and the gorgeous beach here. Watched lots of black bunnies amongst the usual brown ones on the cliffs beyond the beach and then made our way to end the day at Hoswick Visitor Centre. I knew it closed at 4pm and we got there at just before 3pm – however, the staff seemed reluctant to let us in, as they were putting Christmas Decorations up and said they were closed...... but they did let us in and we had a quick browse round, but neither of us ended up buying anything. Headed back to Lerwick, dropped Sidonie off at her accommodation and I returned home and fell aleep!


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

I had a fabulous surprise this morning, there was a female Northern Bullfinch sitting on my kitchen windowsill!!! It was feeding in the honeysuckle! Lazy birding! 😄

Friday, 24 November 2023

Sidonie's Leaving Do!

Catherine, Penny and Sidonie
Awful picture of me (after consuming alcohol), but Catherine and Sidonie both look glam

A few of us met up for a peerie get together at The Lerwick Hotel this evening – our lovely locum OT Sidonie is leaving us next week! I had my first alcoholic drink in years, a Bailey's with ice – I'd forgotten how lovely that is! Catherine, Sidonie, Karen, Josh, Kyle and myself enjoyed drinks here for around half an hour and then moved onto the Fjarå Café, where four of us remained enjoying another drink or two and some wonderful food. Kyle was the main entertainment, he was telling us all sorts of eye-opening stories, much to our amusement! A really lovely evening and nice to get out socialising for a change. We all walked home in chilly but dry weather, no rain or snow, bonus! 🍹🍸🥃

Wishing Sidonie a lovely Christmas with some of her family, happy travelling and enjoy your next OT position, wherever that might be! Its been a joy to work with you. 💖 😊


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Much warmer today compared to yesterday! Sun and blue skies all day!

Thursday, 23 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Our new permanent Band 6 OT popped into meet us all at work today, before she starts next week and brought in luscious Lemon Drizzle Cake, my favourite! 😋 A lovely bubbly, enthusiastic and fun lady – exciting times ahead! But very sad to see our lovely Locum OT leaving next week, who has been awesome to work with in so many ways. We are having a little drinks meet up tomorrow evening, that is if we can get through the 6ft snow drifts 😜 joking! 😉

I guess nobody has looked for the Black-bellied Dipper today!

No Northlink Ferry running yesterday or today and Friday's sailings are under review.

Strong winds and the sleet on my windows this evening was at times, almost deafening!

🌨 ⛄ 🌨

Wednesday, 22 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Black-bellied Dipper at Bridge of Fitch today – not too far away from Lerwick!

Strong winds and heavy rain here – no different to yesterday! 😀

Tuesday, 21 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Black-bellied Dipper at Voe today, I really hope this will stay until my day off on Friday, its been a while since I have seen one. My last sighting was December 2018 and prior to that was February 2013.

I picked up an Amazon parcel this evening after work – a luxury blanket to cover an old chair – the side of the box had a large hole in it and I was shocked to discover that the blanket was completely drenched with water (I presume) inside its zipped plastic bag. Never had that happen before, so returning that tomorrow, I could have dried it out I suppose, but it smelt very odd!

Had a quick browse in Odie's Antique and Collectable Shop this evening, what a fascinating treasure trove! There were lots of old books on Shetland, which caught my eye. I will have to return when I have more time, good job I left my purse in the car!

Strong winds and heavy rain here.

RBA Weekly Round-Up 14th to 20th November!

By Jon Dunn


Monday 20th November

Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

I have been stocking up on small, battery powered birch trees and candles for future power cuts. Strong winds and sleet showers forecast for the latter part of the week!

New "Winter" Michelin Alpin Tyres booked and being fitted, as well as the tracking getting done on 8th December – lets hope I have not left it too late!

Monday, 20 November 2023


Sunday 19th November

Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Pouring with rain and dull skies all day.

However, I still went out and had a brisk walk along St Ninian's Beach. I found a Blackbird on the far side of the beach near the overhang under the cliff, no other birds seen at all here. The entire beach was covered in vehicle tracks, every inch and up the dunes too. I presume people have been racing quad bikes over the sands again – very sad to see this fragile habitat being churned up for fun.

St Ninian's Isle, Shetland

Saturday, 18 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

A gentleman called Paul phoned me from M&S this morning, I was quite shocked and he was asking me all about Shetland. I did my very best to try and sell it to him. He said I should work for the Tourist Board!!! See my post on Wednesday to explain why he phoned me.

Chilly, rainy and windy here currently!

Thursday, 16 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

Christmas trees are appearing in people's windows here, its a little early! 🎄



Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

I emailed M&S back in April to highlight that there was a suitable building for them to open a store in Lerwick and they did reply to my surprise, with:

"Thank you for getting in touch with your suggestion to open an M&S store in Lerwick.

We would love to be able to open a store where you suggest and have a special team who are always on the lookout for new opportunities. I have therefore shared the details with this team for their careful consideration......."

Superdrug are now about open in that building. I have emailed M&S again this evening to highlight that another building has become available. With the boot design on the building (see link), it would obviously be perfect for a shoe shop, but Begg has such a brilliant range of shoes in my opinion, I don't think we need another shoe shop. I'm probably completely wasting my time, but you never know! It would be good to have such a store here for the undergarments section alone! 😊

Monday, 13 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

My solicitor submitted my formal offer for the house today! 😊

A reall chill in the air and a brisk wind or a "peerie breeze"! 🌬

Being as I have "Summer" tyres on my Skoda, I'm currently getting a quote to buy some "Winter" tyres in readiness for the hardcore months ahead! 🌨 ⛆ ⛄

Saturday, 11 November 2023

A Beautiful Sunny Day with Orcas!

Met up with 'my' builder and the owners of the house I'm buying this morning. It was lovely to see this gorgeous little house in brilliant sunshine. After the builder left, the owners kindly invited me into their beautiful home for a cup of tea and home-made oatcake – the best oatcake I have ever tasted and lovely people to chat with! The owners showed me some fascinating old deeds and papers – written in exquisite ink handwriting on parchment paper – its a very old house with a very interesting history! Had a lovely amble around the village where the house is situated and quickly realised that I will have everything I need here for my elder years!

Sang Happy Birthday to Vivien! The rest of the day was spent driving to Reawick to watch Orcas in the late afternoon light, along with several others and also bumped into Jill and Rob. This is my third sighting of Orcas since I have been here – they were fairly distant, but so exciting to see!

With my excellent run of luck this week, I decided to buy a Lottery Ticket this evening. I have not bought one for many, many years. I got ONE number – waste of £2.00!


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

Happy Birthday Vivien!


 " Enjoy Your Boating Birthday "

Lots of Love Penny

x x x x x x

🎉 🎂 🎊 💝 🌻 ⚓ 💖 💐

Friday, 10 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Jobs day and sorting. Missed Orca's at a kill by Fjara Cafe by about 12 minutes!

Superdrug will open in Lerwick on 24th November, which is close to BOOTS! Shetland really could have done with more clothes shops for the youngsters (not me). I would have put a TK Maxx store there or an M&S. Don't need another chemist, there are several other local chemists already too and Superdrug will now be in competition with them! I contacted M&S about the vacant M&Co store a while back and I was very surprised to receive a reply and they sounded very interested – they were obviously not quick enough! An M&S store would be good for all ages in Lerwick – oh well! One day maybe!

Thursday, 9 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Feedback from my interview yesterday: I was told that you get four points for each of the questions I was asked and got 4 out of 4 for every question – apart from one, where I got 3, the highest score one of my interviewers said, that they have ever had! Shocked and pleased about this! Not too bad for an old girl with short-term memory! 😂 😂 😂

Busy day tomorrow, preparing things for Saturday, when I'm meeting a builder at the property I am buying. Exciting times!

Lucy and Vivien (my sisters, for any new readers) met up for lunch today in King's Lynn, ahead of Vivien's birthday this Saturday, such a pity I was not able to join them. Hopefully I will get to see them early in the new year, after all the house situation has settled. Can't see me being able to get back for Christmas, but to be honest Christmas is not the same anymore. Christmas mean't gathering at our family home with parents, which is no more. Going back for Christmas now, will mean paying for a B&B, which I don't really want to be in over Christmas. Its not possible to stay with Lucy and I would drive Vivien and Ray nuts, staying on their small narrowboat and with limited water supply! Ray wouldn't be able to cope with two "Clarke's" on the boat! 😄😂

Had a lovely catch up on the phone with our close family friend Malcolm White (who lives in Heacham) this evening, who has been suffering badly with toothache and waiting to see the dentist. Hopefully you will feel better soon x

Huge thank you to all my readers and friends on my Blog, Twitter and Facebook for your congratulations for my job post and house find! Much appreciated 💖 xx

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Third Time Lucky!!!

I did a completely crazy thing on Sunday, really crazy! I fell in love with a stunning property I stumbled upon, found out it was a holiday self-catering place from a lovely local lady. I googled and contacted the owners and asked if they would be interested in selling it. It turned out they only lived a short distance away – they came out and showed me around the property. I was smitten to say the least.

24 hours later on Monday evening, the owners said they would be happy to sell to me, stated their price and after further emails, we agreed a price. I couldn't believe my luck! A very good builder here, is meeting me at the property at the weekend, to give me any advice about jobs that may need doing in the next few months or years. I can't put into words how honoured I feel, to be able to buy this unique property, which has a fascinating history and with no bidding wars! I am not going to divulge where it is, until the day the sale completes. I don't want to jinx it or let anyone else know about it, until its mine!

Everything is now going extremely well! I doubt I will be moving until after Christmas, but hopefully it will be early in the new year, if all solicitors are prompt! 👍

Very Exciting and Fabulous News!!!

When I started work at the Gilbert Bain hospital on 8th May, my post was a secondment post that finishes on the 4th December and of course this was a massive risk, but a risk I decided to take. It was a risk worth taking, as I immediately fell in love with the job as an Occupational Therapy Assistant, my team and all the staff in the hospital. Such a wonderful, warm and friendly place to be a part of. Also, how many hospitals have awesome sea views just below the windows! I didn't know this until this evening, but there was Orcas swimming past the hospital yesterday I was told! You couldn't make that up!

A few weeks ago I heard that my post would be advertised as a permanent position, which was extremely exciting to hear! As soon as the advert went live, I applied promptly! I put my application through on 18th October and was given an interview, phew! I have been very busy revising and preparing. Today my interview was at 10am with Denise and Karis (both OT's) at "The Independent Living Centre" in Lerwick.

Its very odd having an interview for a job that I'm already doing. I was asked a number of questions from each interviewer and I felt it went very well, I felt nervous, but tried to keep calm to a degree – who doesn't in an interview?! A few hours later I had a phone call from Denise who very kindly said we would like to offer you the post!!! I became very emotional, which was a little embarrasing and my lovely colleague Catherine (OT) gave me a little hug and a smile and offered to make me a cup of coffee. I adore Catherine, she is one very special young lady and simply wonderful to work with. I love working with Sidonie too, who is our Locum Band 6 OT, I will miss her very much when she leaves our team.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be a permanent Occupational Therapy Assistant in this wonderful team and hospital. I have no intentions of going through any more interviews! I will stay here until the end!!!

🎉  🥳  "Celebration Time"  🥳  🎉


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:   

Heavy rain here today and darker much earlier than normal.

RBA Weekly Round-Up 31st October to 6th November!

By Jon Dunn

Tuesday, 7 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

A VERY important today tomorrow! More details about that to follow!

A stunning day of beautiful sunshine, mist, frost and magical light. Highlights whilst I was at work: Rose-coloured Starling, Dusky Warbler, Barred Warbler, American Wigeon, plus Waxwings, Mealy Redpolls, Northern Treecreeper, Northern Bullfinches, Siberian Chiffchaffs, Continental Coal Tits, Hawfinch.

Monday, 6 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

One of the most exciting days of my life!!! All will be revealed at a later date, can't say anything yet! A lovely local lady I know, said to me "what's before you winna go by you" – how right she is!

Sunday, 5 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

Viewed another property today, but from outside only, booked appointment to view tomorrow evening. Very busy with BIG things going on this week!

Saturday, 4 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

Busy day viewing three properties. Managed to squeeze in seeing a Firecrest and a Coal Tit at The Orca Inn in Hoswick, no time for serious birding today. Met up with Jill and Rob for lunch at the Hoswick Visitor Centre, lovely soup, carrot cake and coffee, then flew off to view my last property. Aurora showing well throughout Shetland – not seen from my house, plus too many lights here and felt too tired to drive out anywhere.

Friday, 3 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:  

Lovely social evening out at Saffron Restaurant in Lerwick this evening. An OT get together for Denise, who is very sadly leaving the island soon! Fabulous food, far too much and excellent service, but a bit echoey and hard to hear conversation. Bought some new funky Fly London boots for the occasion and for any future gatherings! Its been years since I bought a pair of going out shoes! Beggs is an excellent shoe shop in Lerwick with a big range of brands.

Two/possibly three house viewings tomorrow! There is a cracking albino Blackbird at Bigton, which I hope to see over the weekend.


The DNA from the Western Olivaceous Warbler at Whalsay, confirms its identity and that this is a first for Britain!

Thursday, 2 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

More houses to view over the next few days! 😊

In Memory On Your Birthday

Happy Birthday to My Dearest Father

You would have been 97 today – 2nd November

Thinking of you today and always
Forever in my heart
Always in my thoughts

You would be saying I was crazy moving to Shetland
I can hear you saying
"why on earth do you want to move to that cold place for?"
We were similar in many ways,
but you adored the heat and I adore the cooler temperatures!
Always with you, wherever I am
 Until we meet again

💔  💔  💔