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Tuesday 8 October 2024

Arctic Warbler at Bridge of Fitch!

Burn of Njugalswater, SW of Bridge of Fitch, Shetland
The last few days have been insanely stressful for Vivien and I, who are very worried about where Lucy is being moved to, somewhere a few miles away from King's Lynn and somewhere that only has a garage shop for Lucy to visit. Lucy likes to independently walk to M&S, WH Smiths, Morrisons and other shops, whenever she wants to. In her new place its highly unlikely that she will get the bus to King's Lynn or want to be taken shopping by a member of staff. Lucy is in a serious state mentally and this has affected us all hugely. The residents were given just over two weeks notice that they were leaving and now Lucy's leave date has been bought forward to Tuesday 15th October. Lucy will have to be much more independent and she will be in "Supported Living" – this means Lucy will have to cook for herself, pay for bills etc, which I don't think she is capable of and neither does Vivien.
There are only two positives to this, Lucy will have far more space, as she had one room and en-suite shower room, she will now have an entire flat with seperate bedroom, kitchen and living room/diner. She will have to purchase everything she needs, including furniture, cooking stuff and the list goes on. Lucy does not know this side of things yet! Lucy will have to accept help from staff, as there is no Vivien or Penny to assist with this sadly. The other good point is that the Senior Manager where she is moving to, used to be the manager where she is currently and that's good, as Maureen was a very caring manager and we were upset when she left – she was there to support Lucy when both our parent's passed away one year apart, so Vivien and I are very pleased that she will be overseeing Lucy's wellbeing.

This is the main reason why I have not been birding. I was phoning the current manager and the new manager where Lucy is moving to, discussing things with both sisters etc. I was thinking about returning to Norfolk this week, but realise that time spent with Lucy would be better when she has moved into her new place. Its also not a good time of year to be travelling back to Norfolk with dodgy weather and cancelled planes etc and at short notice as it costs more. Vivien is visiting her tomorrow, which is good. Lucy was STILL waiting for staff to give her boxes, which she was given today (after I called them), but they were in flat packed format, Lucy said she didn't know how to put them together and because she is so angry, she has quote "nearly packed everything already" as she has simply put all her possessions into carrier bags – I could cry! What she needs is some strong, small boxes from the QEH if any of my old colleagues are reading this.

On a far more jolly note, I went to see the fabulous Arctic Warbler this afternoon. When news came up of this on Monday evening, I had never heard of "Burn of Njugalswater" and had no idea that this was just outside Scalloway where I live!!! This burn is just off the main road out of Scalloway and looks like a little piece of paradise – why have I not noticed this little spot before?! Somewhere to check out in future. It was howling wind and rain whilst I was there and has been all day. There was one couple and a single birder here and then later Paul B. turned up, after having done an Unst day, to see the Paddyfield Warbler etc. Fabulous to watch this magical Arctic Warbler, constantly on the move and feeding in the very tall pine and birch trees – a very pretty spot indeed. Lots of Redwings flying over too. Left here and just made it in time to buy some more oak coloured wood filler in Lerwick before the shop closed and 5pm and also nipped into the Co-op before returning home.

Masses of House Sparrows, along with the smart Leucistic House Sparrow, Starlings and Rock Doves today, but no mega in my garden yet! Howling winds all tomorrow too. Thursday it all dies down and the sun comes out and so will the birds – more exciting rares to be found and enjoyed!

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