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Monday 21 October 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
American Wigeon ecl. drk still, Yellow-browed Warbler at Loch of Hillwell.
Golden Oriole in garden at east end of Ronas Voe, North Mavine.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Arisdale.
Olive-backed Pipit at Clickimin Loch, Lerwick.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Swinister Burn, Sandwick.
Great White Egre flew over The Kames, Sullom Voe.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Voehead, Isle of Bressay.
Glaucous Gull at Uyeasound, Yellow-browed Warbler at Baltasound, Unst.
Black Redstart on Out Skerries.
Hawfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.

I had just finished work and gone to the post office and was just about to drive home, when news came through on WhatsApp, of an Olive-backed Pipit found at Clickimin Loch! I was first on the scene. It was raining and dark skies. The three birders who had found the OBP were still there and one had a thermal imager – you realise how useful these are in this situation, with dire light and conditions. Initially I had rubbish flight views, then had a full view of the OBP perched on a branch, lifted camera up, pressed shutter, puff! Gone! Next view was the OBP skulking under a bush, amongst leaves for a few seconds and then vanished again. It was very mobile, which I guess it would be, when trying to find as much food as possible before nightfall. Only two more birders turned up, including Anne. A Reed Warbler was found with the imager, but I didn't see this. Thank you to the lovely birders who put the news out so quickly and added sparkle to the end of my working day, sadly no pictures though. I had alot of wet gear to sort out when I got home.

Lucy is in a very unhappy and angry mood when I phoned her this evening – she had to sign tenancy forms and said "I had to sign loads of things and don't know what they were". She was angry as staff who didn't know how to operate her washing machine/dryer initially, as it was owned by the previous tenant, who was completely independent. The staff have since googled and now know how it works, but Lucy got inpatient with them and told them to switch it off, as she was worried about her clothes shrinking and she reported to me that her clothes had been washed four times today. Lucy was so angry, that she refused to let staff help her cook her tea – she was eating a jam sandwich, when I phoned her. Vivien and I are both very worried, but nothing we can do about the situation. Nothing I said seemed to make her feel any better and I had the phone slammed down on me a few times.

My second door curtain arrived today, so I have two curtains up at my back door, which you may think is excessive, but the door hasn't been mended yet and has far too much air flying through the gaps. The two curtains have improved things no end.
Siberian Rubythroat after work in Lerwick? Yes please!

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