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Sunday 20 October 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Yellow-browed Warbler at Loch Benstonin, South Nesting.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.
American Wigeon ecl. drk still at Loch of Hilwell.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Otterswick.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Community Wood, Brae.
Sooty Shearwaters x 4 flew past Sumburgh Head.
Hawfinch at Mid Yell.
Dusky Warbler trapped and ringed at Skaw, Dusky Warbler at Brough, Whalsay.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Black Redstart at Feal, Fetlar. 
Greenland Redpoll at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.

With Storm Ashley fast approaching, I decided it was a good time to remove all items in the garden that could be whisked away! Screwed several cup hooks in the wooden ceiling joists in the shed and hung up all my hanging baskets, hanging glass coloured balls and removed several garden ornaments, all safely tucked away until next Spring. The storm hit earlier than forecast and its been raging winds and rain all afternoon. I didn't need to light the fire as the wind is south, so not that cold really. My stable door leaked, well it more than leaked, it poured water through the brass door plate key hole, which I hadn't noticed for a while. Thank goodness for duck tape, which I had to put on both sides of the keyhole and is now fixed.

Lucy seems to be okish. With a completely new situation to deal with, its going to be a long while before she feels settled, if ever to be honest. Because she is now in 'supported living', she has to buy all her own food. On Sunday's she has the option of buying a cooked meal for £5.00. which she opted for today and described her sausages, mash, broccoli and gravy as 'really lovely', which was really good to hear. She doesn't seem to want to unpack anything though. She is waiting for someone to show her how to use the washing machine, as she is now really behind with laundry, I'm sure this will happen asap. I ordered a clothes airer from Amazon for her today. Vivien is back with Ray on their narrow boat and is cream-crackered from both her trips a week apart to see and help Lucy.

With the clocks going back on Sunday 27th October, there will no light after work to twitch a Siberian Rubythroat, so let's hope one is found on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Back to work tomorrow!

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